Saturday, June 8, 2013

Bethany Cafe

Several months ago, First Christian Church decided to join
forces with Main Street Methodist Church and feed anyone
who needs a meal on a specific day each month.  Main Street
has the first Saturday of each month and FCCM has the second
Saturday of each month.

Any an all who need a meal with no questions asked are invited
to come.  The red carpet is rolled out and guests are treated to
a lovely meal served at decorated tables.

Single Sisters and Friends wanted to help so we offered our
services in May, June, October and November.  Bethany Café
is run quite well with Angela Stewart at the helm and Ellen Mantel
and her staff in the kitchen.  Tons of other people pack and deliver
meals to shut ins, wait tables and provide a warm welcome.

The Single Sisters and Friends rolled silverware,

set the tables,
decorated each table with mirrors provided by Beth Lilley topped
with happy little chefs provided by Dorothy Mantyla.

Then came the desserts.  So many cakes in so many delectable
flavors.  The Sisters cut each one, boxed some for home deliveries
and others were served with the meal.  Yum, yum, yum!

To be perfectly honest, there was a bit of delight when a piece or
two or maybe even three did not come out of the pan just right. 
In that case, some of us had to be the dessert samplers, dividing
a piece of cake into many tiny bits to share and enjoy!  
The Single Sisters and Friends really know how to bake a cake!
Special thanks to each and every lady who helped with our
part of Bethany Café this month.  The work is not hard but
seeing the way the guests enjoy the meal is one incredible
blessing!  Thank you, Lord, for letting us serve you by serving others.